10 Ways to Stay Positive Regardless of the Circumstances

10 ways to stay positive regardless of the circumstances

10 Ways to Stay Positive Regardless of the Circumstances

Flat tires on the road called life. We’ve all been there on that bumpy road of life – a relationship breakup, financial adversity, illness, job and career issues, personal conflict with your spouse, child, parent, boss, colleague etc. These life circumstances can cause mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical pain, anxiety, and anguish, if left unchecked

Is there a solution? Fortunately the answer is “yes!” By taking the time to consciously look at the life situations that seem to weigh you down, and to instead give yourself permission to look at things in a new light, you can transform any negative situation quickly and easily starting with these 10 tips . . .

10 Ways to Stay Positive Regardless of the Circumstances

10 Ways to Stay Positive Regardless of the Circumstances

1. Don’t take it personally. Regardless of the situation you are currently encountering don’t take it personally. Realize that life happens to everyone and that no one is immune. Personal conflicts, financial adversity, illness, death, and every other conceivable thing that seems to derail you in life, is a natural part of the ebb and flow of life. What matters most is not the difficult situation itself, but how you choose to view that situation.

2. Stay calm. It’s easy to overreact when things appear to go from better to worse, or from worse to worst. Endeavor to stay calm and centered knowing that hundreds of thousands of people worldwide have faced a similar situation and have made it through to the other side safe and sound. Overreacting only makes things worse and is based on fear; so give yourself permission to not act or react until your allow yourself to logically look at the situation from all angles.

3. Breathe. A very effective way to not only remain calm and levelheaded in a difficult situation, is to remember to breathe. Often times, during a stressful life situation people tend to breathe shallowly into their chest, instead of breathing deeply into their belly. Deep rhythmic breathing helps to control stress, worry, and anxiety, by stopping the ‘flight or fight’ stress response in its tracks. More importantly it helps to oxygenate the entire body, as well as balance the right and left hemisphere of the brain. The result? Greater focus and clarity which can be used to positively view the current situation for empowering solutions!

4. Let go of any grudges and judgments. Be willing to let go of any personal grudges, grievances, or judgments you have about either the circumstance, and/or the other people concern. The truth is that everyone involved, including yourself, have done, and is doing, he best they can or could do in the situation with the knowledge and understanding they either currently have or had at the time the situation occurred. Judgment and grievances only perpetuate more of the same in difficult life situations; so do yourself a favor and let yourself and everyone else involved off the hook.

5. Surround yourself in love and light. If you find yourself in the midst of a difficult life situation call out for spiritual help. Pray for God and the angels to guide you and support you in the situation, and know that the minute you have asked for help that it has been given to you. Your responsibility is to be open for the helpful opportunities, as well as to take inspired action when you are led to do so. My favorite way to transform difficult life circumstances is to call upon Archangel Jophiel and the Angels of Positivity. Archangel Jophiel is commonly known as the Archangel of Postitive Thinking and when asked will help you to beautify negative thoughts in regards to any situation, by infusing them with the light of love. Prayer is a very powerful situation transformer. It breaks the pattern of negativity and allows everyone involved to receive loving comfort from God and the Angels.

6. Look at the situation as it truly is. Just the facts please. Without any blame, judgments, projections, or opinions attached ask yourself, “What’s really going on here?”, then follow up with the following statement . . . ‘The truth of what’s really going on here is . . .’ Next, write your answer down. Writing down your answer allows you to see the truth in black and white. Using a negative breakup for example – “What’s really going on here in regards to my breakup with [person]? The truth is that [person] and I weren’t the right fit. I can see now that we both tried our best, and that it didn’t work out.” Looking at the truth of a situation gives you the insight and clarity you need to formulate a better and more empowering solution or course of action, which will give you additional tools to help you on your way to resolving the situation altogether.

7. Determine your desired outcome. After you had the ability to look at the difficult life situation for what it truly is you are now free to choose what you would like your desired outcome to be. Setting an intention on how you would like the situation resolve itself not only activates the Law of attraction, but also empowers you to take those positive, inspired actions towards resolution. Using our relationship breakup once again as an example this would look like: My desired outcome in moving through this is to honor the love we did share together, and to wish him/her the best in life.

8. Find the unseen gifts in the situation. The truth is that neither ‘positive nor negative’ exists in any situation; only the positive or negative perception that a person chooses to formulate as a result of that certain circumstance. For example rain for some people is good, while for others is bad. But even in the darkest situations an unseen gift can always be found. And one of the easiest ways to help to transmute and clear negative energies in a difficult situation, is by finding the unseen gift and unwrapping it with gratitude. This can be as simple as asking yourself, “If I knew what is or could be good about this it would be . . .” And then list everything you come up with onto a piece of paper. Finally, give Universal Gratitude by thanking God and the Angels for those special gifts of transforming wisdom.

9. Create a motivating and uplifting environment. It’s easy to stay positive and upbeat when you’re in a positive and upbeat environment. Immerse yourself in positivity by reading and listening to inspirational books and audio programs, music, and more importantly fill your mind with positive quotes and statements. Also do not forget that your subconscious mind is your most powerful ally. You can give it a boost with a variety positive subliminal messages!

10. Remove yourself from the situation. Sometimes the best thing for all concerned, especially for your own self-respect and/or sanity, is to remove yourself from the situation altogether. Whether on a temporary or permanent basis, the parting of ways allows everyone involved a chance to breathe and reassess the situation, without perpetuating the negative, static charge of emotions circulating in the environment.

In the end it’s important for you to realize that you are ultimately in control of your thoughts, feelings, actions, and reactions. Complaining or projecting blame on to a person or event, or any other negative thoughts or judgements, is not helpful nor constructive.

It’s much more empowering and life transforming to take charge and stay positive regardless of the circumstances so that you can cruise through life with more joy and effortless ease.


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