
February 2016

How to Use Your Intuition in Love

how to use your intuition in love

How to Use Your Intuition in Love

Let’s face it shall we? When you’re looking for love, or have fallen under its intoxicating spell, you can often miss the extraordinary signals and messages that give you clues as to whether you are on the path of romantic bliss, or on the fast track to heartbreak.

Learning how to use your intuition in love will help your journey towards love and romance be not only fun, but also spiritually enriching; because when you learn to slow down and tune into your inner guidance system you will be able to know the truth about your love interest, as well as learn to understand people and relationships in new, and enlightening ways.

Are you interested in learning how to use your intuition in love? Here are four ways to point you in the right direction.

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Using Your Intuition to Find Romantic Love

using your intuition to find romantic love

Using Your Intuition to Find Romantic Love

Your intuition is constantly bombarding you with unspoken intuitive messages about others especially those with whom you share a romantic interest. These messages come in the form of thoughts, feelings, and sensations, as well as symbolically.

For example, you may feel inexplicably drawn to another person without really knowing why. Have you ever met someone the first time and felt your stomach churning or perhaps your palms began to sweat? Or perhaps you’ve woken up in a cold sweat in the middle of the night after dreaming about your romantic partner? Or maybe you have encountered someone you do not yet know at a coffee shop, restaurant, or bookstore; and your heart begins to race, and your body begins to tremble. Why?

What about this scenario. You’re in the throes of a new relationship, and you feel that your love interest is somehow being dishonest with you, but you ignore and disregard your inner intuitive ding because you have no concrete evidence to back up what you’re feeling up.

The fact is that when using your intuition to find romantic love, everyone has the ability to tune into that still, small voice within. And even if you try to suppress and disregard the wise, inner counselor, your intuition is always at work trying to give you positive signals to help you navigate through your life with ease and simplicity. And although sometimes your intuition may seem to be either ambiguous, or even confusing, you can learn to tune into and to trust what comes through to you on an intuitive level.

As a professional psychic and psychic medium one of the prevalent reasons my clients book a session concerns aspects about finding love. Learning to use your intuition at the onset of a new relationship, can help you discover if he or she is a right romantic partner for you. Here’s how you can use your intuition to determine if your new romantic interest is the one for you . . .

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