Archangel Jophiel Lavender Sugar Scrub Recipe


Archangel Jophiel Lavender Sugar Scrub Recipe

Archangel Jophiel Lavender Sugar Scrub recipe is wonderfully relaxing. If you are looking for a quick and easy spa like experience this recipe is for you!

The Health Benefits of a Body Scrub

Just like the skin cells on your face, the cells on your body regularly shed to reveal new, healthier skin underneath. As you get older the natural skin cell shedding and renewal process slows. This is the perfect time for a body scrub.

A body scrub is very beneficial for the skin cell renewal process. When you massage it over your body, the granules help to exfoliate dead skin. Also, the brisk rubbing action boosts circulation by increasing blood flow to the skin’s surface, as well as to drain the lymph nodes.

But another important benefit of using a scrub is the way it feels, and smells, when applying it. There is something magically beautiful  with a DIY scrub. The refreshing texture against your skin and heavenly scent that fills the shower transports your mind, body, and spirit to one of inner bliss.

Sugar scrubs also have a few benefits over salt scrubs. For one, small sugar granules are generally gentler than salt, which can cause microscopic tears in the skin; two, because of sugar’s natural humectants properties, these scrubs are more hydrating than salt scrubs, which can strip skin of natural oils. ~ Huffington Post

Archangel Jophiel is the the Archangel of Beauty and I really love how this sugar scrub recipe makes me feel refreshed and beautiful within a span of 10 minutes!

The Archangel Jophiel Lavender Sugar Scrub Recipe


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