Archangel Raphael Peppermint Pineapple Tea Recipe

archangel raphael peppermint pineapple tea

Archangel Raphael Peppermint Pineapple Tea Recipe

Stimulate weight loss and detox your body with Archangel Raphael Peppermint Pineapple Tea recipe. Deliciousness to help you stay vibrant and healthy.

Archangel Raphael Wants You to Be Healthy

As the Archangel responsible for keeping mankind healthy and fit, Archangel Raphael wants you to be healthy, whole, and complete.

Archangel Raphael’s name means “the one through which God heals”.  As a Divine instrument of healing Archangel Raphael brings into your life experience many simple and effective holistic methods and remedies to keep your mind, your body, and your spirit fit and vibrant.

The Healing Benefits of Peppermint and Pineapple Tea

One of the simplest remedies for staying healthy is through the use of herbal teas. Teas have many medicinal properties, and the Archangel Raphael Peppermint and Pineapple tea recipe is without reproach in this arena.

Combined, peppermint and pineapple have a powerful detoxing effect on your metabolism and helps to promote weight loss.

The process of detoxing boosts the natural energy of the body and strengthens digestion. This helps to flush and remove unwanted pounds from the body.

Although this tea recipe is not primarily aimed for rapid weight loss, regular use of this tea aids the cleansing process naturally which helps to shed weight.

Combined peppermint and pineapple detoxes and cleanses the internal organs of the body, such as, liver, kidneys, intestines, etc. This cleansing process improves the functionality of the inner organs as well as overall body.

Archangel Raphael Peppermint and Pineapple Tea Recipe

Archangel Raphael Peppermint Pineapple Tea

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The Archangel Apothecary

Signs You Need a Spiritual Detox

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