Common Mistakes When Asking for Archangel Michaels Help

common mistakes when asking for archangel michaels help

Common Mistakes When Asking for Archangel Michaels Help

Common mistakes when asking for Archangel Michaels help to avoid . . .

common mistakes when asking for archangel michaels help

Avoid these 5 common mistakes when asking for Archangel Michaels Help

“Dar, I’ve asked for Archangel Michael to help over and over! I just don’t think he’s listening to me. Nothing has changed!”

Mandy’s eyes filled with tears. As I listened to her explain her ‘method’ for asking for Archangel Michael help I noticed five common mistakes made by both the newbie, and the advanced angel lover alike.

Here are the 5 Common Mistakes When Asking for Archangel Michaels Help

Begging. The very act of begging an angel for any kind of help suggests a lack of faith and trust that you are worthy to receive that which you’ve asked for.

Faith is simply the conscious awareness and belief that what you have asked for will be given to you. Belief activates The Universal Law of Attraction.

“Believe it and you will receive it” is a powerful quote to write on the walls of your heart.

Genie Mentality. The genie in the bottle mentality is sometimes a bit subtle. The genie mentality is when one does not take into account the natural laws of the universe and how it co-creates with you the outcome that you want.

With the genie mentality your requests are often mere wishes. And a wish is simply something you are not committed to.

“Poof! Give me what I want right now Archangel Michael! If it happens, it happens. And if it doesn’t It means it’s just not meant to be.”

The statement above conflicts with Universal Law which says ‘ask and you shall receive.’ Ask in confidence – don’t wish!

Asking from a lower vibration. Asking from a low-level emotional vibe such as from extreme sadness or fear, only compounds an negative emotional set-point . Lower negative vibrations weaken your energy body. If kept unchecked, these low energy vibrations will invite more of the same low-level thoughts and beliefs.

The Master Teacher Jesus once said, “you have not because you ask amiss [or ask incorrectly].”

Ask for Archangel Michael’s help with confidence, and from a place of love. If you are in a difficult situation and your emotions are seeming to get the best of you, first start off by thanking all of the Archangels for their help in the past, and then conclude with your current request for help from Archangel Michael.

This simple technique quickly raises your emotional and energetic set-point to one of love and above.

Asking with the wrong intention. If you’re asking Archangel Michael to do something in your behalf to hurt or harm others forget about receiving any assistance at all. Archangel Michael is one set of angelic hands and feet delivering your good on the wings of Divine Love.

Hurting or harming another is the antithesis of loving help. Always ask for help in a way that will benefit and bless everyone concerned.

Not taking inspired action. When asking for Archangel Michaels help, your Guardian Angels help, help from an Ascended Master, or Spirit Guide you must take inspired action.

Inspired actions are those hunches, insights, and ideas to move forward toward that which you want or need.

You may suddenly get the idea to call somebody you haven’t talked to in a while, take a different route home, read a certain book, etc.

Of course, the inspired actions or action will be unique to you and your intentions. But you must ride the wave of inspiration when it  signals you to hop on.

There’s a great story that sums this up beautifully. A man found himself amid a raging flood. He climbed to the roof of his home and called out to God to help him.

A rowboat soon came inviting the man out of harms way. “No thank you,” said the man. “I’m Waiting for God to help me.”

A short time later a very large police speedboat came and invited the man to join them. Once again he declined by saying, “I’m waiting for God to help me.”

About 30 minutes later the floodwaters were up to the man’s neck. A helicopter hovering overhead beckoned the man to take hold of the ladder so he could be flown to safety. The man again refused – and then drowned.

In heaven the man told God that he was upset. Why hadn’t God haqelped him? He asked, and asked, and waited but God never came.

“What do you mean?” asked God. I sent you a rowboat, a speed boat, and a helicopter.”

I urge you to take these 5 common mistakes when asking for Archangel Michaels help to heart. Archangel Michaels sole purpose and desire is to protect you, guide you, and encourage you.

Ask in faith. Don’t wish, ask with confidence. Ask with the right intention. Ask from a positive emotional set point. And finally take those inspired actions you receive and follow through. When you do that, the Archangels, your Guardian Angels, and your Spirit Guides can and will quickly come to your aid.


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