How to Connect with Your Angel Cards; In 6 Easy Steps


How to Connect with Your Angel Cards; In 6 Easy Steps

Have you ever felt like your angel card deck suddenly silenced itself? As if all of the heavenly guidance you had been receiving from your angel cards dried up?

You cleared your cards, but yet your readings are screwy, and your cards no longer seem attuned to you. What happened?

It’s not easy to get encouraging wisdom from your angel card readings if you feel your deck is somehow “off”. The issue may not be your angel cards at all – it could be that your connection with your spiritual team needs a bit of loving care . . .


Angel Cards are a Divinatory Tool

What many newbies to angel cards forget is that angel oracle cards are just a divinatory tool to receive answers from your spiritual team. They have no magical powers in themselves; after all they are just cards!

Whether you receive your spiritual guidance from Divine Source, God/Goddess, your Guardian Angels, or the Archangels, the cards are just a simple way for heaven to communicate with you. As Doreen Virtue (one of my beloved teachers and mentors) likes to say, “angel oracle cards are a no brainer way to talk to heaven.”

So what do you do when your angel card readings seem “off”?

When your angel cards readings seem to make no sense its often the result of not properly attuning to your spiritual team. When reading angel oracle cards your relationship with your angels and spirit guides needs to be cultivated and developed, much like your relationships with friends.

As a divinatory tool your angel cards and your spiritual team are symbiotic. They work hand in hand with one another. When you forget to acknowledge this relationship your angel card readings will often be confusing and the information you receive unclear.

Following are 6 ways to connect with your Angel Cards; which will also help you to re-attune yourself with your spiritual team, and to re-establish your relationship with your angels and spirit guides.

6 Easy Ways to Connect with Your Angel Cards

Bless and re-dedicate your angel oracle cards. This is often overlooked by beginners in the art of angel oracle card reading. Blessing and dedicating your angel cards not only energetically attunes your card deck to your own energy, but also gives your spiritual team a clear signal that your intention is to use the cards to receive their guidance. To bless your deck simply put your card deck to your heart and say a simple prayer; asking your spiritual team to bless your card deck with love and light so that you can receive their clear guidance. You need only do this once. Dedicating your angel cards is an equally simple process. Hold your angel cards in your hands, and set an intention that you are dedicating your angel cards to helping yourself and others to positively accelerate their life’s path.

Pray before using your cards. Prayer is a wonderful way to connect with your spiritual team, and alerts them that you are requesting their assistance. Prayer also resets your energetic vibration to be receptive to the answers you wish to receive. My standard go-to prayer each time I use my angel oracle cards is, “please help me to clearly see, hear, feel, and know exactly what I (or the person I am reading for) needs to know in relationship to the questions be asked. Thank you! And so it is, amen!

Ask appropriately. In a recent angel card reading playshop participants shared that learning the right and wrong ways to ask heaven for answers supercharged the quality of the information they received from their readings. There is an art to appropriately asking heaven for answers. Universal Law says, “Ask and you shall receive . . . “; and with angel oracle cards asking the right way is a must if you want to receive clear, and accurate guidance.

Keep it simple. This is one of the biggest mistakes new angel card readers make. Keep your card spreads simple. You can get the best, and most detailed guidance from two and three card spreads alone. My advice to new readers is to start with one, two, and three cards spreads first and then as you get comfortable with using your cards, explore and play with the more advanced card spreads.

Thank your spiritual team for their help. This seems obvious, but the truth is many new readers do not thank their spiritual team for their help! Your relationship with your spiritual team is not a one-way street! Respect your spiritual team by appreciating their wisdom and guidance. It’s as easy as saying, “thank you so much for sharing this information with me today.”

Love These Angel Card Reading Tips?
You’ll find even more in my newest online course, “The Angel Oracle Card Reader Playshop; How to Read Your Angel Oracle Cards with Confidence”. This course contains everything you need to know about how to read angel oracle cards for yourself and others, and consists of 3 + hours of audio and video content as well as some other fun downloadable resources.


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