Divine Guidance or Your Imagination?

divine guidance or your imagination

Divine Guidance or Your Imagination? 

Divine guidance or your imagination? How do you know if the guidance you are receiving is real or not? Learn how to easily tell the difference . . .

divine guidance or your imagination

Is Your Imagination Running Away with You?

How do you know whether that inner voice within is real or not? Is it just your imagination, wishful thinking, lower astral energies, or something else?

“Is this Divine Guidance or my imagination? How can I tell the difference?” As a professional Angel channel and psychic medium this is by far the number one question I am asked by my students and clients alike.

The good news is that there are several effective guideposts that can help you to distinguish whether or not the messages you are receiving is true Divine Guidance, or a result of wishful thinking.

How do you receive Divine Guidance?

Divine Guidance is picked up through your four major spiritual senses; which are then translated through what you see, hear, feel, or know. These four spiritual senses are what I call your intuitive speak. And although your internal intuitive speak is more subtle than your physical senses, with practice they can become not only just as clear, but also one of your greatest tools for spiritual and personal development.

How then can you distinguish true guidance from false guidance? Here is a list of qualities that will help you to distinguish real Divine Guidance from that of your imagination:

True Divine Guidance

• Is clear
• Is always loving
• Is always encouraging and supportive
• Works with the skills, abilities, and resources you already have
• Feels safe, even if warning you of impending danger
• Operates within your own free will
• Is practical and makes sense

False Guidance

• Is ambiguous and not clear
• Is negative and fear-based
• Tears you down in his abusive
• Consist of depressing, fearful thoughts
• Attempts to force you to do things you normally would not do out of fear
• Is frightening
• Is not practical or ethical, i.e. advice to steal, hurt someone, con someone, or become involved in a get rich quick scheme

How to Pay Attention to and Discern the Guidance You Receive

The most important determining factor of whether it is Divine Guidance or your imagination is the quality of the message being received. The good news is that this is easier than you may think.

When teaching psychic development classes I share with my students the following number one tip regarding how to discern divine truth from imagination. It consists of the following power question:

“Is the information I am receiving loving and supportive of myself and others?”

When it comes to interpreting whether the divine guidance you are receiving is from the highest source of Light always lean on the side of love. Love and fear cannot exist together. Love is expansive, light, and free; while fear is restrictive, heavy, and oppressive.

When you choose to operate from Universal Love you vibrate energetically at a very high resonance. This keep your spiritual senses clear and carries over into an openness of love and trust with Divinity, your angels, and your guides.

Fear and negativity on the other hand clogs the channels of your true your inner knowing with lower energy, ego-based beliefs, thoughts, and actions.

The love based, higher self within you is the communication conduit to the Divine. This means that the more you can recognize and trust the loving guidance you receive, the deeper and more open your Divine connection will become.

And the deeper your connection is with Universal Love and Light, the more love, joy, happiness, and help you will be able to receive. The result? A healthy, abundant, prosperous life that is your right to receive and experience as a child of God.


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