How to Spot an Intuitive Moment

how to spot an intuitive moment

How to Spot an Intuitive Moment

Your intuition is always trying to protect you. This means that learning how to spot an intuitive moment is an important skill for learning how to navigate through life with conscious clarity.

But in order to receive clear guidance you need to know how to tune into and capture the information trying to come through. Here’s how . . .

how to spot an intuitive moment

Learning to Pay Attention to Your Inner Knowing

How often have you received a signal from the Universe to either do or not do something – yet you did not listen and follow through? What happened?

Several years ago I was shopping in the women’s clothing section of a well know department store. As I was browsing a boy of about six years of age literally ran into me. He was playing chase with his brother and didn’t see me.

“Wouldn’t it be funny if he ran into the display mannequins and knocked them over?” I thought as I made my way to the lingerie department.

Not even five minutes later I heard a loud crashing noise and a wailing scream. Guess what happened? You don’t have to be psychic to answer either – the boy ran smack into the group of mannequins I was only minutes ago thinking about.

Your intuition often will give you “hits” through seemingly fleeting thoughts. And more often these thoughts emerge as random questions.

What about you? Have you ever had a seemingly random question pop into your head such as, ‘Wouldn’t it be funny if ‘x’ happened’. And within minutes it happened?  Did it then leave you wondering, why didn’t I follow my intuition?

How to Spot an Intuitive Moment; 5 Questions that Can Save Your Life

Here is some sage advice on how to capture those intuitive moments from best selling author and Psychic Medium Helen Leathers:

. . . BIG RED FLAGS that could be your intuition telling you something. If you randomly, spontaneously, or without thinking, wonder or say out loud anything like:

  • Wouldn’t It be Funny If…?
  • Can You Imagine What Would Happen If…?
  • What If…?
  • Wouldn’t It Be Weird If…?
  • If ‘X’ Happens Now It Would Be Bad/Great/Disastrous/The End!

Then for goodness sake LISTEN! then do something about it, you just don’t know the difference it could make.

Your Intuition Can Save Your Life

It has been a wet and rainy winter where I live, and two days ago my husband shared with me that on his daily commute to work that he had a strong urge to get off the highway one exit earlier.

A semi-truck was moving faster than was safe for the onslaught of rain and the thought popped into his head, “What if that truck jack-knifed? It would create a huge pile up and I will be late to work.”

When he arrived at work he discovered that only minutes after he exited before his normal turnoff on the highway that a semi-truck jack-knifed causing a huge pile up.

The next time any of the above questions pop up for you, honor them by taking a bit of time to notice them. Learning how to spot an intuitive moment in this way can become one of your biggest allies in your intuitive toolbox.

Blessings, Love, and Light . . .


Related Articles:

Intuition; How to Trust Your Gut

How to Discover Your Intuitive Language

Do you have a situation to share in which you either did or did not head your intuition? Sharing is Caring. Let us know by commenting below . . .

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