Life Purpose Oracle Card Spread


Life Purpose Oracle Card Spread

Once I let go of the need to live my life the way I thought I was expected to live it, things in my life automatically fell into place. And soon, without even realizing it I was embracing my life purpose.

What about you? Are you living in giving in a way that honors your passion and joy; or are you merely contributing to someone else’s joy because you believe that’s what you must do?

What do I mean? Let me give you an example. My parents wanted successful children so they emphasize the value of a college education in order to live a successful life. Success to both of my parents meant a prestigious career that provided a high paying salary. Long story short, although I had other career aspirations I chose to cater to my parents expectations and entered law school.

It wasn’t until several years later that I realized I chose my career path to please my parents. I didn’t dislike my chosen career, it was just that I knew that there was something more out there for me instead of being tied to my legal career twenty four hours, seven days per week. Something was obviously missing.

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.” ~ Steve Jobs

This realization caused me to dig inside myself and really question my purpose in life. It led me to answer the number one existential question: Why am I here? And what I found was that my inner introspection revealed an entirely new perspective on what living your life purpose is; and what it is not.

And I’m not alone. As an intuitive life coach and professional angel intuitive, one of the most common readings my clients request are life purpose readings. So with the Angels help, I designed a five card life purpose Oracle card spread that would help provide my clients with the clarity and confidence they need to discover and move into their life purpose. This is the same spread that I’m going to share with you in this article, plus a downloadable free PDF of the spread for easy reference, as well as a video explanation of how to use the spread.

Before we begin however, if you haven’t already done so, I suggest that you read the article “How to Discover your Life Purpose with the Angels Help”, and download the free bonus e-book and workbook. If you perform the exercises in the e-book first, the life purpose spread will not only be more meaningful to you, but will also provide you with more clarity and more on often than not; a confirmation from the Angels that you’re on the right track. And confirmation is a good thing right? Because it deepens your trust and confidence in your angelic helpers.

3 Common Myths About Your Life Purpose

Very quickly I want to share with you three common myths or misconceptions about your life purpose. Once I share and debunk these three myths for my clients they are always noticeably relieved!

Myth #1: Your life purpose has to be some grand humanitarian contribution. The truth is, many people who are currently engaging in and enjoying their life purpose are contributing to the micro-populace; that small segment of their community that values their passion.

Myth #2: Your life purpose has to be a full-time job. Of course some people have been able to incorporate their life purpose into a full-time career, but for the majority of the global population this is not the case. Many people have other jobs and help support and fund their life’s passion.

Myth #3: Your life purpose has to generate an income. Okay, so this ties in with the last myth; but the truth is that some people don’t get paid one dollar for pursuing their life’s passion. Instead they build up karmic credits in the bank account of life which often brings an inflow of money from other areas in their life. The Universe wants to support you and when you are following your bliss will do so in many unexpected, and fun ways.

In case you haven’t hit upon it yet – your life purpose is your passion and joy. Because when you give yourself permission to do what you love you are allowing the Universe to move and breathe through you as a living expression of Creative Divinity. This is one of the reasons why the workbook download I mentioned previously is so beneficial; it helps you hone into and to discover just what that passion is to you; as well as provide you with a game plan on how you can actually engage in and live your passion. And perhaps even make it nice income doing so is well! Download your FREE workbook now!

Discover Your Life Purpose Mock Lead

The Life Purpose Oracle Card Spread

This spread can be used with any tarot or Oracle card deck that you are accustomed to using. The spread is simple and consists of five cards. A PDF printable of the spread is available for direct download here: Life Purpose Oracle Card Spread.

Here’s what you’ll need before you begin:

• A deck of tarot or Oracle cards of your preference
• A journal or notebook
• A smooth writing pen or pencil


  1. One saying opening prayer of invocation for your Angels are guides assistance.
  2. Shuffle your cards as you focus on the primary question – “Please provide me with greater clarity in regards to my life purpose.”
  3. Choose five cards from the deck laying out in the order prescribed.
  4. Turn each card over, one-by-one, answering each question in order.
  5. Write your answers and observations and intuitions to each question down in your journal

Questions for Each Card:

Card 1: Where am I currently at in terms of my life purpose?

Card 2: Where am I inspiring to be?

Card 3: What do I have to bring to the Cosmic Table?

Card 4: What is blocking me from stepping into my life’s purpose?

Card 5: My final destination –

My life purpose is to [fill in the blanks]; and I do that by [fill in the blanks].

The Life Purpose Oracle Spread is a valuable tool for your intuitive toolbox. Not only will it help provide you with additional clarity and a sense of direction, but it will also help you discover where you currently are in terms of your life purpose. Because once you are clear about where you currently are, it is much easier for you to formulate a clear vision and action plan that will enable you to share your heartfelt passion with the world.


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