Navigating Change with the Angels Help

Navigating Change with the Angels Help

Navigating Change with the Angels Help

Let’s face it. Life can shift and change in a heartbeat. It goes without saying that navigating change with the angels help is a necessary skill. It’s difficult enough to go through changes when you feel side swiped by life. This can make you feel alone, afraid, and unequipped.

But the good news is that the Angels are ready, and willing to assist you through the most difficult of life changes . . .

navigating change with the angels help

Change Happens

The sobering truth is that life changes. Change is inevitable. It doesn’t matter who you are, where you are, or what you do. You will experience changes at different intervals in your life.

Nature reveals that change is constant. The tides come in, the tides go out. The moon is full, the moon wanes. In other words, change will always come. Even if you are not ready for it or if you don’t want it.

So the best thing to do is to learn to welcome changes as they come. It helps you to navigate through the situation of change much easier, and allows you to adapt to the changes quicker.

“Nothing stays the same forever. You must learn to change as life changes, or life will force you one way or another.”

Getting Help from the Angels During Difficult Changes

The first then when navigating change with the angels help is to realize that you have done nothing wrong. God and the angels are not mad at you, they are not punishing you, or singling you out from the heard.

The big black book says that God’s thoughts about you throughout the day are too numerable to count. This means that as extensions of Divine Love, your Guardian Angels think about you 24/7 and are actively working behind the scenes in your behalf. I don’t know about you, but to me that’s a huge comfort.

The second thing to remember is that sometimes when one situation in your life comes to an end, there is often a “grieving process” associated with it. These emotions can bring up feelings of sadness, guilt, and remorse. Yet if you allow yourself to really look at the situation from a detached point of view you will see that these emotions are just signaling that you are being resistant to the changes that have already, or will occur.

Release Your Resistance to Change

Emotional heaviness is a symptom of resisting completion, and when you choose to use that energy to take creative action that supports your overall growth and well being, instead of resisting it, you will feel inner relief. This will bring with it a new sense of lightness, and as if by magic, you will gently emerge reborn into the new beginning life has brought your way.

Completion begins with acceptance, and this takes courage – and not just with the big things, like deciding to leave a job or end a relationship. It takes courage to move on from the little things, too – the non-urgent but important things that have been on your to-do list for weeks, months, sometimes even years. All of these details hold nuggets of your energy, waiting for you to reclaim it by taking action to move on.

Finally, its important to realize that if you want to navigate change with the angels help you need to ask for their assistance, and be open to their serendipitous guidance and wisdom.

You do this through prayer. Here’s my go to prayer . . .

“God, my Guardian Angels, and the Angels of Change, I welcome even this change in my life experience right now, for I know that Infinite Love has a plan for my highest and best good. I bless this situation with love and light, and am willing to accept this change to the best of my ability. Give me the strength to move forward when I feel weak, and help me to let things go should I either consciously or unconsciously resist moving forward, and to instead embrace this new change with love and courage. Thank you! And so it is! Amen.”

3 Power Questions to Move Through Resistance

God and the Angels will always meet you at the point of this action of releasing resistance. And the more that you show up by taking action on all the little lingering things vying for your attention – the better you will feel. This all begins with a change in your mindset.

Take positive action steps for yourself right now and move through any resistance to change with the following series of three questions. More importantly, be honest with your answers, and write them down! Writing your answers down will signal to your subconscious mind that you mean business which will allow the angels to make any shifts in your perspective that much easier to change.

  1. If I knew what was good about this situation, what would that be?
  2. What has this, or is this situation teaching me?
  3. How can I turn this around for the highest good for everyone involved?

There is a sense of triumph that comes with releasing resistance to change. You emerge stronger and wiser, and are also able to be an example for others.

Have courage and move forward with confidence my friends and always remember that something better awaits you on the other side of change.


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