Using Your Intuition to Find Romantic Love

using your intuition to find romantic love

Using Your Intuition to Find Romantic Love

Your intuition is constantly bombarding you with unspoken intuitive messages about others especially those with whom you share a romantic interest. These messages come in the form of thoughts, feelings, and sensations, as well as symbolically.

For example, you may feel inexplicably drawn to another person without really knowing why. Have you ever met someone the first time and felt your stomach churning or perhaps your palms began to sweat? Or perhaps you’ve woken up in a cold sweat in the middle of the night after dreaming about your romantic partner? Or maybe you have encountered someone you do not yet know at a coffee shop, restaurant, or bookstore; and your heart begins to race, and your body begins to tremble. Why?

What about this scenario. You’re in the throes of a new relationship, and you feel that your love interest is somehow being dishonest with you, but you ignore and disregard your inner intuitive ding because you have no concrete evidence to back up what you’re feeling up.

The fact is that when using your intuition to find romantic love, everyone has the ability to tune into that still, small voice within. And even if you try to suppress and disregard the wise, inner counselor, your intuition is always at work trying to give you positive signals to help you navigate through your life with ease and simplicity. And although sometimes your intuition may seem to be either ambiguous, or even confusing, you can learn to tune into and to trust what comes through to you on an intuitive level.

As a professional psychic and psychic medium one of the prevalent reasons my clients book a session concerns aspects about finding love. Learning to use your intuition at the onset of a new relationship, can help you discover if he or she is a right romantic partner for you. Here’s how you can use your intuition to determine if your new romantic interest is the one for you . . .

Pay Attention to Your First Impressions

If you are not using your intuition to find romantic love, you may be looking for love in all the wrong places. I find it rather interesting that many people at the onset of new relationships never really tune in to their inner matchmaker; also known as their intuition.

In order to partner up with your intuition, and in order to receive the maximum benefit from your innate internal guidance system, you need to first learn to pay attention to those sometimes subtle and sometimes not-so-subtle intuitive messages as they emerge.

These messages come in many forms, such as tingling in your body, an unsettling feeling in your gut, or just an inner knowing or feeling about something. It may even come in the form of your first thoughts and impressions when you meet someone new.

Once you learn how to pay attention to how your intuition speaks to you, you will have the basic tools you need to begin to decipher the messages and meanings behind those thoughts, feelings, sensations, and impressions. This may take a little bit of concentrated practice and effort, especially at the beginning of a romantic relationship when you are excited and hopeful about finding new love.

But here’s the thing. All those warm, fuzzy feelings you have at the beginning of a new relationship does not necessarily mean that you will have a positive and nurturing relationship with him or her. Your intuition may very well be telling you your love interest is the right fit for you, or it may be signaling you to run for the hills!

How to Use Your Intuition to Find Romantic Love

So how can you discern the unspoken, subtle messages that often accompany the beginning of a new romantic relationship? Here are a few questions to take into consideration.

1. When it comes to your new romantic partner which statement is most true for you?

a. I feel comfortable, relaxed, safe and at ease, and free to be myself when I’m with him or her.
b. I have a persistent, uncomfortable sense that something is not quite right, or adding up.
c. We have an off the chart, highly charged emotional connection.

2. When you are with your new romantic partner, or when you think of him or her your body:

a. Relaxes, and you feel a comfortable sense of peace and calmness.
b. Tightens up and you feel tense.
c. You become intensely sexually aroused.

3. In regards to your new romantic partner you have had the following spontaneous sensation that seems to have come out of nowhere:

a. Your heart feels like it is expanding with love and compassion for everyone.
b. You feel as if you need to have a sexual encounter with your partner to assure you that that you and your partner are emotionally close.
c. You have an impending sense of doom.

4. You want your intuition to assist you in:

a. Increasing your ability to express and feel love.
b. Determining what your new partner is thinking and feeling about you.
c. To alert you when you new partner is either lying, cheating, or being dishonest to you.

5. When it comes to your new romantic relationship the still, small voice within is telling you to:

a. Be yourself, let the relationship unfold naturally, and to let go of the outcomes.
b. Take care of yourself and quit micro-managing.
c. Heal your past emotional wounds.

Healthy Love

If you answered most of the questions A, your intuition is letting you know that you are embarking on the path of a healthy and loving relationship. Continue to listen to all the inner dings and promptings that are encouraging you to continue to grow and evolve. Because remember, the journey of love is an active one. And the more personally and spiritually aware you become, the more you are able to be honest and forgiving with yourself and others. More specifically the more you are able to learn to love yourself the more love you can give away. Love does not spontaneously occur. Instead it is a continuous process of learning to listen within as well as learning to develop honest communication with your partner. And the more you do that the more you will strengthen and deepen the bond of love.


If you answered the majority of the questions B, your new romantic relationship may be more infatuation than that of love. The beginning of your relationship may be exciting, fun, and emotionally sizzling, but it may not hold the long term love potential that you’re looking for. More importantly, if you find that you are feeling increasingly tense, mentally and emotionally off balanced, or have a sense that something is just not right, this may not be the right relationship for you. Pay attention to those signals, and develop good communication skills with your partner at the onset of your relationship. Courageously ask those tough questions, and above all be honest with yourself about whether or not this relationship will be able to support your core desires and needs. Listen to and trust your intuitive guidance even if it does not tell you what you want to hear.


If you answered most of the questions C, your new relationship may cause you more pain than joy. When your intuitive intention is focused more on your partner than yourself more often than not you may be heading into what is called a codependent relationship. Codependency is a disastrous emotional cycle that bases your happiness and sense of well-being solely on the moods, feelings, and actions of your partner. In long-term codependent relationships, you run the risk of losing your own sense of personal power, which includes your self-worth, and your self-esteem. If you find that you are continually attracting this type of relationship, it’s time to tune in to your intuition and really pay attention to it! The guidance you will receive is consistently wise and loving and will always guide you towards taking the necessary steps to heal the original heart wound that triggered your codependency, and will also provide you with the necessary steps to heal yourself and move forward; in or out of that particular relationship.

Your intuition is always working in your behalf. It provides you with an invaluable sense of guidance and when you listen to it will always help you maneuver through the dating process. Now listen because this is important. If you get anything else from this article please take the following information to heart.  Using your intuition to find romantic love can provide you with either the signal that you are at the beginning of a fabulous and mutually loving relationship, or it can serve as an early warning system of a potential heartbreak. Make the most of your intuitive guidance system, and allow yourself to spend time to develop your ability to listen effectively to the inner voice within. More importantly, learn to trust and to act on the guidance you receive; knowing that when you do you will always be led to supportive and mutually loving relationships.


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