Archangel Jophiel Christmas Sachet


Archangel Jophiel Christmas Sachet

Sachets are fragrant little bags filled with aromatic joy. Beautify your Christmas tree or room with an Archangel Jophiel Christmas Sachet . . . brings home the nostalgic smells of Christmas past.

Archangel Jophiel; The Angel of Beauty

Archangel Jophiel is here to assist you in seeing the beauty that surrounds you. Beauty can be found wherever you look and it is all around you, and within you and others. Especially around the Christmas season, Archangel Jophiel helps you to see good in yourself, and in those very grumpy holiday shoppers as well.

This holiday season Archangel Jophiel wants to remind you that we are each special and unique in the eyes of Infinite Love. What you do and who you are affects everyone and everything. No two people have exactly the same gifts, and the gifts you offer to one can be so very different from another.

For some people you are meant to awaken them to seek a higher state of being, for some it is to just love, and yet for others to have a greater effect on the course of their life all while doing exactly the same thing. While one person sees the gifts you share, the next can see something entirely different or receives the gift that is you in a new way. For each person gets what they need even if they are not aware of it.

This Christmas season I challenge each of you to focus on finding the gift that is YOU and that you offer this gift to others and also for yourself. Spend some time in introspection with yourself and review what you give to others and what others bring to you. That is how you can best help each other, and how you can best affect change.

Archangel Jophiel Christmas Sachet

Fragrant herbal sachet bags are easy to make, and also great to give away as gifts. This year my family and I made several with Christmas themed quilting squares hanging them on our tree like ornaments.

Tips: You can actually double the ingredients for a more hearty sachet. If you toss the ingredients with a bit of sweet orange essential oil and cinnamon, the fragrant aroma is amplified. Also, feel free to add a quartz crystal!


Did you like this recipe? Check out the book The Archangel Apothecary – available now at all major online bookstores.


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