Simple New Years Oracle Card Spread


Simple New Years Oracle Card Spread

Looking for a simple New Years Oracle Card Spread?  This one is a snap, and is guaranteed to give you a quick over view about the upcoming year.

This easy divination card spread is super simple and can be used with any oracle card deck.


Simple New Years Oracle Card Spread

Looking for a fast and easy card spread to help you discover what is in store for you or your friends in the upcoming year? If so grab your favorite oracle card deck and read on . . .


First take a few minutes to relax you body and mind, take a few deep cleansing breaths and just allow your self to tune in and get quiet.

Relax, take some deep breaths, and tune in. Clear your card deck, and set an intention to receive insight and wisdom from Infinite Love in regards to the upcoming year.

Imagine your intention as a glowing ball of brilliant golden light, and watch how this light flows from your heart down into your hands, illuminating your oracle deck with its radiance.

Begin to shuffle your card deck until it feels right to stop. Next draw five cards face up in a cross pattern:  the first card in the middle, the second card to the left, the third card on top, the fourth card to the right, and fifth card on the bottom.

Here are the placement meanings:

  1. Main Theme. The main theme of your upcoming year. What to focus on learning, and what to recognize as an undercurrent of all that you do and experience.
  2. Soul Self. What to focus on in your relationship with yourself spiritually. How to care for yourself deeply, and love yourself fully.
  3. Others. What to focus on in your relationships with others. What strategies and approaches will serve you best as you interact with your acquaintances and loved ones.
  4. Love and Romance. What to focus on in your love life. How to honor yourself impeccably while also interacting with your romantic partner(s) – or potential romantic partner(s) – in a nourishing way.
  5. Divine Wisdom. What your divine helpers (angels, guides, divinities, loved ones in the heaven) would like you to know. The precise divine perspective that will support your most beautiful year yet.

Take some time to reflect on what the cards mean to you, and journal your findings.

Pro Tip: Rely on your intuition first, and write those impressions down. If you choose to consult the book that came with your oracle deck later feel free to do so for added clarity.

Have a beautiful and magical New Year, and if you enjoyed this card spread let me know by sharing your comments below.

Blessings, Love, and Light . . .


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